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12:00~13:00  Registration  
13:00~13:05  Opening Remarks Joon Oh Park
(Director of Precision Medicine Research Institute)
13:05~13:10  Welcome Address Kyu-Sung Lee
(Director, Research Institute for Future Medicine,
Samsung Medical Center)
13:10~13:15  Congratulatory Address Seung Woo Park
(President of Samsung Medical Center)
  Plenary Lecture Chair: Joon Oh Park (Samsung Medical Center)
13:15~13:35  Unravelling tumor and microenvironment interaction in cancer Raghav Sundar
(Duke-NUS Medical school, Singapore)
CV 보기
13:35~13:55 Immunotherapy in gastric cancer Kohei Shitara
National Cancer Center Hospital, Japan)
CV 보기
  Session 1. Clinical Research for Immunotherapy : Recent updates  Chair: Jee Yun Lee (Samsung Medical Center)
13:55~14:15 Clinical Research for Immunotherapy : Recent updates Hyo Song Kim (Severance Hospital) CV 보기
14:15~14:35 Immunotherapy in urological cancer Se Hoon Park (Samsung Medical Center) CV 보기
14:35~14:55 Immunotherapy in hepatobiliary cancers Jung Yong Hong (Samsung Medical Center)
14:55~15:05 ACCA 1.0 : from academia to industry  Seung Tae Kim (Samsung Medical Center) CV 보기
15:05~15:20 Coffee Break
  Session 2. Recent Advances and Future Perspective of Tumor Microenvironment Chair: Yong Beom Cho (Samsung Medical Center)
15:20~15:40 Systemic clonal connection of tumor-infiltrating CD8 Trm cells Eui-Cheol Shin (KAIST) CV 보기
15:40~16:00 Rewiring tumor microenvironment to establish premetastatic niche Seung Hyeok Seok (Seoul National Univ.) CV 보기
16:00~16:20 The identification of master transcription factor of cancer-associated fibroblasts Seok-Hyung Kim (Samsung Medical Center) CV 보기
16:20~16:30 Closing Remarks
  • 삼성서울병원 SMC
  • 충남대학교병원
  • 보건복지부
  • 한국보건산업진흥원

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